Caring tips for oily skin


Here, we are going to talk about the tips for taking care of oily skin. Just like me, I have a very oily skin when I was in school because I don't have time to look after my skin. But right now, it has improved so much better so, my skin type right now is combination, it's oily oily at the T-zone area which are around my nose and forehead. So, I know how it feels to take care of oily skin because it gets very easy to have pimple, acne, blackheads/whiteheads and of course to deal with open pores are very hard. That's why, I'm going to share with you whom have oily skin, the tips that you can follow.

1. Lemon juice helps to reduce the sebum produces by your skin. Just mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with cold water and massage it on your face. Leave it like 10-15 minutes before you rinse it off.

2. Oatmeal and aloe vera is good too. Mix oatmeal with aloe vera and apply it onto your face, leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse it.

3. Wash your face at least twice a day. Find a good cleanser and make sure that it is gentle on your skin.

4. If you use scrub, don't scrub it too harsh as it can open the pores and it will stimulate more oil production.

5. Oily skin still need to be moisturize, be careful to choose the right moisturizer. Look up for water-based or oil-free moisturizer.

6. Don't forget to always put sunscreen or sun spray would be easier when you're going out and travel.

Whatever it is, don't worry too much because having an oily skin does have the benefits too. For example, those with oily skin tend to age slower and tend to have less wrinkle. But if there's too much oil, you need to treat it :)


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